- Module 1: Overview of Hardware Platforms Supporting Cisco IOS XR Software
- This module introduces students to the Cisco IOS XR Software
platforms and components that currently support Cisco IOS XR Software.
- Module 2: Cisco IOS XR Software Overview
- This module introduces the Cisco IOS XR Software architecture, including high-availability, scalability, and other features.
- Module 3: Cisco IOS XR Software Configuration Basics
- This module shows the basics of Cisco IOS XR Software and how to
create and review an initial configuration. The module demonstrates how
to review redundancy.
- Module 4: SDRs
- This module provides the student with a high-level overview of SDR creation and functionality.
- Module 5: Cisco IOS XR Software Installation
- This module teaches the student to select, prepare, install, activate, and deactivate Cisco IOS XR Software packages.
- Module 6: Cisco IOS XR Software Security
- This module outlines aspects of Cisco IOS XR Software AAA, along
with router security administration and access control list
configuration using the command-line interface (CLI).
- Module 7: Cisco IOS XR Software Operations
- This module introduces the student to Cisco IOS XR Software configuration considerations and other operational features.
- Module 8: Cisco IOS XR Software Routing Protocols
- This module covers a basic implementation of the OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP protocols and configuration of the IPv4 address family.
- Module 9: Routing Policy Language
- This module teaches the student the basics of the Routing Policy
Language (RPL) and illustrates a methodology to convert route maps to
RPL policy.
- Module 10: Multicast
- This module teaches the student the basic Cisco IOS XR Software implementation of multicast routing and associated protocols.
- Module 11: MPLS
- This module teaches the student the implementation and
configuration basics of MPLS in the Cisco IOS XR Software operating
system software.